Advantages of an Agreed or Uncontested Divorce in Houston and Harris County, Texas
If you and your spouse live in Houston or Harris County, Texas, and you have both reached agreements as to all of the issues that need to be resolved to conclude your divorce matter, you may be able to skip a lot of the costly steps normally required in a contested divorce in Houston and/or Harris County, Texas. This is because divorce cases that are agreed or uncontested allow your divorce attorney to use your fees in a more focused manner, with an emphasis on efficiency and economy. Agreed or Uncontested Divorces in Houston and Harris County, Texas provide you with the best opportunity to avoid the costs and expenses that are required when a divorce case is contested and litigated to conclusion. Essentially, a divorce lawyer in an agreed or uncontested divorce case in Houston and Harris County, Texas is better able to identify the necessary work needed to develop the case to conclusion, which gives you a higher degree of certainty about the overall cost of your agreed or uncontested divorce.
An Agreed or Uncontested Divorce in Houston and Harris County, Texas is Still Complex
Just because you have reached an agreement with your spouse about the terms of an agreed or uncontested divorce does not mean your divorce matter will be simple. Divorces, whether agreed or contested, are by their very nature complex. Reaching an agreement may save you the attorney’s fees and costs that are normally incurred in a contested divorce matter, but it does not eliminate the complexity of the case.
Agreed and Uncontested Divorce Decrees Require Skilled Drafting
It is important to note that while you may be able to list your agreements on one sheet of paper, your divorce decree, if children are involved, will likely be in excess of forty-five (45) pages. While you may reach agreements in principle with your spouse as to the terms of your uncontested divorce, the Texas Family Code and the Harris County District Court Judge assigned to your case will have very specific requirements as to how these issues need to be addressed in your agreed final decree of divorce.
Because of this it is imperative that you hire a Houston and Harris County, Texas attorney familiar with handling agreed divorce matters and drafting an agreed final decree of divorce. A lawyer experienced at handling uncontested divorces in Houston and Harris County, Texas will be able to prepare an uncontested divorce decree that complies with the requirements of the Texas Family Code, and the specific requirements of the Harris County District Court to which your case is assigned. More importantly, when you hire an experienced Houston and Harris County, Texas uncontested divorce lawyer you have someone on your side to protect your rights. A skilled attorney familiar with drafting an agreed final decree of divorce will draft said Order in a way that considers your rights and obligations, and that protects them.
Agreed and Uncontested Divorce Law Experience in Houston and Harris County, Texas Makes the Difference
In practice for over 29 years in Houston and Harris County, Texas, Mr. McCarty has the divorce law experience you need to protect and promote your interests in an agreed or uncontested divorce case. Mr. McCarty gives each of his divorce cases, whether agreed or uncontested or contested, personal attention, and he will not pass your agreed or uncontested divorce matter off to a legal assistant or paralegal to perform the work that should be done by an attorney. Your agreed or uncontested divorce matter deserves the same attention to detail that any contested divorce matter would receive.
If you want an experienced divorce lawyer on your side for your agreed or uncontested divorce matter then call or contact the Houston and Harris County, Texas Law Office of Daniel E. McCarty, Jr. today at (713) 464-7000 to schedule an appointment with Mr. McCarty.

Law Office of Daniel E. McCarty, Jr.
16225 Park Ten Place, Suite 500
Houston, Texas 77084
(713) 464-7000